Regular daily portal backup
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Regular daily portal backup

Regular daily portal backup to ensure data safety and integrity.

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Regular daily portal backup ensures data safety and security. In today's digital age, people can be broadly categorized into two groups: those who understand the importance of backups and have already incorporated them, and those who haven't recognized their significance yet. The difference? The former can sleep soundly, confident in the knowledge that their data remains protected, while the latter risks losing invaluable information at any moment.

Why is this so crucial? Imagine investing hours, days, or even years accumulating crucial business data or personal memories, only for them to vanish in a split second due to a technical glitch, malicious attack, or even a simple human error. Even the most careful manager might accidentally delete essential files, not to mention the unpredictability of system crashes or cyber threats. Such losses can be devastating, both emotionally and financially. Thus, having a safety net in the form of backups isn't just a recommendation; it's a necessity. Remember, it's not about 'if' something might go wrong, but 'when'. So, which group do you belong to?

How It Works

  1. Daily portal backup is performed.
  2. Once created, a secret link is sent to your email.
  3. Backup download is accessible using the password from settings.
  4. The backup is stored on our cloud server and duplicated twice.
  5. Each backup is retained for 1 month.
What entities are exported?
  • Leads;
  • Deals;
  • Contacts;
  • Companies;
  • Invoices;
  • Tasks;
  • Users (soon);

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Free 30-day trial. Subscribe monthly or annually for peaceful sleep.

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